
  • Uthaiwan Pootes Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University


Palmyra Palm Cultures Palmyra Palm Cultures Nakhon Sawan Province


This  research  aimed to  study  1)  To  study the palmyra  palm cultures of  Tqmbon Keoi Chai Chumseang Distric Nakhon Sawan Province  and  2)  to  study the  palmyra  palm  wisdoms of  Tqmbon Keoi Chai, Chumseang Distric, Nakhon Sawan Province.  This  qualitative  research  was  studies  in  the  agricultural  community  in  the countries  where  they  have  been  growing  palmyra  palm  as major  croups  for  a  long  time.  The  sample  used  people who know well about palmyra palm  and  community leaders. The  sample group was  selected  specifically.  The  tools  were  in-depth interviewing  group  discussion  and  participatory  observe and without  participation,  monitoring  data triangulation  and  content  analytics.

There  are  three  findings  from  this  research  which  can  be  identified  as  follows  :

  1. The palmyra palm cultures of Tambon Koei  Chai, Chumseang Distric, Nakhon Sawan Province,  it  was  found  that  the  community  had  an endemic culture of their communities, demonstrating the lifestyle ideas and actions by the community is dependent on the nature of the consumption.  There have been the change such as  the production  were  the  amount  of  area  by planning to decrease  number  of  the  palm  tree.  Labour sharing  system has been   received  less  attention  but if  is  still  taken  during  harvest  season.  The technology is easy to use to facilitate the production of a metal spatula to brown sugar shock.
  2. The  Palmyra palm wisdoms of Tambon Koei  Chai, Chumseang Distric, Nakhon Sawan Province  such  as  making  use  of  different  parts  of  palmyra palm  trees  for  medicine,  household  furniture  and  utensils, and  fuel source.  Bringing palmyra palm products to sell and make income earning. Which the  palmyra  palm  wisdom  seemed  to  play  a  big  role  in  development  the  community  economy. 
  3. At present, Koei  Chai  community  is  admitted  that  the  society  could  exist  only  with  the  local  wisdom,  so  as  to  decrease  the  risk  of  the  collapses  of  families  and  the  society  in  general  and  to help  the  community  to  become  self-reliant.  Besides  being  they  were  more  proud  of  their  own  culturesGiven  the importance of  using the Identity of a palmyra palm  community,  and made use of  them  economically  and  socially.


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How to Cite

Pootes, U. . (2020). PALMYRA PALM CULTURES AND WISDOMS OF TAMBON KEOI CHAI CHUMSEANG DISTRIC NAKHON SAWAN PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(3), 227–236. retrieved from