
  • Thirapat Serirangsan มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช


New Direction, Development, Political Science


In today’s world, a rapid transformation is connected with a recent political issue such as legitimacy in the process of politics and its outcome which challenges traditional norms and existing institutions. Moreover, it is apparent that Political Legitimacy and Democracy is opposed by Populism, Xenophobia, Discrimination, and inequality. Whereas, international associations would have encountered many unexpected variables continuously, naming a serious violation, the war, and migration, which affect engagement and standard ethics, including legitimate authority.  In recent times, American Political Science Association (APSA) addressed the 113th Annual Meeting and Exhibition between 31st August and 3rd September in San Francisco by exploring the 2017 Theme, “The Quest for Legitimacy: Actors, Audiences, and Aspirations.”, which is organized by Chairs Amaney A. Jamal, Princeton University and Susan Hyde, University of California, Berkeley. There are panels and sessions prepared by APSA’s 56 divisions and numerous related groups at the 2017 APSA Annual Meeting. By David Lake, President APSA, he speaks on a topic, mentioned as “International Legitimacy Lost: Rule and Resistance When America is First”. During APSA Annual Meeting, it is evident that there’s new academic development consistently, even though these unable to reach the meaning of Science Revolution and New Paradigm, for example, the method of political studies in qualitative and interdisciplinary research, which point out diversity of society and institution, creating connection with new group of sciences, politics in educational institutions and society, anti-sexual abuse policy, applying valuable science practically for community.


Thirapat Serirangsan. (2003). “New Direction of Political Science” Sukhothai Thammathirat Journal of Economics (STJOE) Bangkok: Phim Aksorn LTD.Part.
American Political Science Association. (2017). APSA Annual Meeting. The Quest for Legitimacy :Actors, Audiences, and Aspirations. August 31- September 3. San Francisco. CA.




How to Cite

Serirangsan, T. (2017). NEW DIRECTION OF POLITICAL SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(4), 1–13. retrieved from