Guidelines for Developing Community Product Service Business of Thailand Post
Guidelines, Developing, Service business, Community product, Thailand PostAbstract
The present study aims to develop the guidelines of businessdevelopment for the community products service of Thailand Post. The study is a
Research and Development research (R&D) employing both qualitative andquantitative approaches. The objectives of this study were 1) to investigate current
situations and needs of the communities toward the service provided by ThailandPost, 2) to investigate the current situations and needs of the postal services ofThailand Post for community products, 3) to study the developmental guidelines ofthe postal service for community products services and 4) to study the relationshipbetween Thailand Post and the community products as well as the relationshipbetween Thailand Post and their good linkage with the communities. Theinstruments of this study included questionnaires, interviews, focus groupdiscussions. The instruments were verified by the experts for content validity.The research found that: 1. The current implementation of the Thailand postservice and the operation conditions about mixed marketing factors in business service ofcommunity products of Thailand Post as well as the expectation of the customers towards theservice of the Thailand post service are in high level. The implementation circumstance is in avery low level 2. The current implementation of the Thailand post service andoperation conditions about mixed marketing factors in service business incommunity products of Thailand Post as well as the implementation circumstance
of service provider is in moderate level. The expectation of service provider is inhigh level and problems are in low level. The qualitative data from community
products distributors found that the city post office was more equipped than theouter post office where manpower, facilities and product management were
deficient. 3. Developmental Guidelines should include several steps. It should startwith a clear policy of the community products service in order to set the core
standards of the project. The Thailand post should also provide sufficientknowledge by training to all of the organization levels and implement a good
postal innovation. Lastly, they should support the initiation of sustainablepromotion of community products in a practical practice. 4. Thailand Post has
created a good relationship with the external organizations and the communityproduct providers. They are collaborating to support their communities. For
example, they are being as a mediator between communal manufacturers orcommunity product providers and other agencies operated under Thailand Post inorder to expand its postal network nationwide, to be accessible in all linked areas.Thailand Post also provides a better transportation of agricultural and farm
products and promotes community careers via postal consignment.
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