A Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior’s of People in Risky Areas Towards Unplanned Teenage Pregnancy
Knowledge, Attitude, Behaviors, Risky Areasม Teenage PregnancyAbstract
The objective of this research was to study knowledge, attitude, andbehaviors of people in the risky communities towards unplanned pregnancy ofteenagers. Populations used in this research were people living in 3 provinces whichwere selected from the top three rank and number of teenage childbearing in 2013from Center for Information Technology and Communications, Office of ThePermanent Secretary for Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. Mulit-stage sampling was used in order to obtain the population, which are 1) Stratifiedrandom sampling for urban district and rural district and urban sub-district and ruralsub-district 2) Simple Random Sampling by drawing for 3 sub-districts in urban areaand 3 sub-districts in rural area. The research instrument was questionnaire andDescriptive statistic was used for data analysis that showed in percentage, mean,and Standard Deviation.The findings were that urbanites had a better knowledge and attitudeabout sexual relation, birth-control, family-planning and participation in sexualityand contraception activities and support center for teenage unplanned pregnancythan rustic. While urbanites' behavior which resulted higher risk of teenageunplanned pregnancy than rustic. The results showed that urbanites had a betterknowledge and attitude about sexual relation, birth-control, family-planning andparticipation in sexuality and contraception activities and support center forteenage unplanned pregnancy than rustic. While urbanites' behavior in sexualrelation, birth-control, family-planning and participation in sexuality andcontraception activities and support center for teenage unplanned pregnancy morethan rustic which resulted higher risk of teenage unplanned pregnancy than rustic.
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