Buddhist Method of Ethics and Moral Training for Female Imnates
of Ethics and Moral Training, Management Buddhist MethodAbstract
The objectives of this study were 1) to analyze the ethical and moral training conditions of female inmates in prison; 2) to explore the Buddhist ways ofethical and moral training of femates in prison; 3) to propose an ethical and moraltraining model of female inmates in prison. A mixed method design was used servethe purpose of the study. The qualitative research method was employed twosteps of data collection. First step, 25 key informants were purposety selected fromthe experts and structured interview by face to face were collected. Second step,10 participants of female inmates in prison were taken parts in focus groupdiscussion. The data obtaind were qualitatively analyzed by content analysis. Thequantitative data were collected by a five rating scales questionnaire. 285 femaleinmates of Ratchaburi Centra Prison were the samples of the study. Statistics usedto analyze the data were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.The results revealed that: The Buddhist ways of ethical and moraltraining were comprised of five domains; 1) Contents; digest the Buddhist ways oflife to the easy application in appropriate time of length; 2) developing activities;emphasize the sufficiency economy and job skill training through various activitiesin order to practice through their meditation and prayer; 3) Medias in training; usedvarious medias for traiing such as handouts, video to increase femal inmates'interest in and appropriate way; 4) Evaluation; received information from theparticipants can be used for deciding and planning the training program and forchecking the readiness of the resources; 5) Moral based training; buiding positivethinking for mind training, integrating real life situation through self-adjustment for cognitive training such as being patient in various type of ways and apply Four Sublime Of Mind which can be used in their real life situation.
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