A Model of Citizens’ Political Expression in the Northeast of Thailand
A Model, Political Expression, The Factors Making Contribution to Their ExpressionAbstract
Objectives of thisresearch were: 1) to study the level of citizens' politicalexpression in Thailand's northeastern region, 2) to examine the factors affectingcontribution to their political expression, 3) to construct a model and confirm themodel affecting such contribution. The research yields the following findings thattheir political expression has been overall rated high, factors affecting contributionto their political expression wre comprised nine predictable factors with coefficientof multiplying correlation amounting to 0.868 and coefficient of prediction (R') at0.753. Consequently, nine predictable factors can predict their political expressionfor 75.30 percent. The results of constructed model on their political expressionbased on making use of focus group discussion appeared that the principle of PDCAwith twelve suggested factors wre taken into use to develop democracy in both lindividuals and bodies in communities under the frame of law in order to createinnovation of political learning for having citizens acknowledge, be aware, andaccept the model, thereby resulting in the practice of political ethics and moralityinside it for them. Expert panel's confirmation of citizens' politicalexpression in Thailand's northeastern region has been found that their opinions onthe constructed model were of the highest propriety. To sum up, the obtainedmodel from this research can be brought into use appropriately.
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