Integration of Buddhist Psychology : Concepts and Model Building to Reduce the Rate of Suicide Teen in Thailand Society


  • Sirawat Srikrueat ภาควิชาพุทธจิตวิทยา คณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


Integration of Buddhist Psychology, suicide teen in Thailand Society


This research studies takes from a combination of Mixed research methodby gathering quantitative and qualitative data. The objectives were 1) The conceptand the integration of Buddhist psychology in reducing the rate of suicide byBuddhism. 2) Integration and Development, the main Buddhist Psychology inreducing the rate of suicide of teenage in Society Thailand and 3) create theBuddhist Psychology integration to reduce the rate of suicide of teenage inThailand. Population and sample in the study are three groups. The first group of400 questionnaires were selected by random purposive sampling. SelectionBangkok a represent of Central Region Chiangmai Province represent 2 universitiesand 2 schools include students, teachers administrators, director executive, vicedean and students. Trium Udomsuksa Nomklao School, Trium UdomsuksaPattanakan Suwanna School, Chulalongkorn University and Payap University. Thetwo groups, in-depth interviews of 18 key informants, including schooladministrators and those involved, close to suicide attempts in Lampon andNakhon Sawan Province by selecting a purposive sampling. have a number have 20experts. The three group of key informants in focus groups discussion two times thenumber of 18 experts instrument used to collect data for this study was aquestionnaires. The research found that : Create a Buddhist psychology integrationto reduce the rate of the suicide of teens in Thailand. The Buddhist psychologyintegration to reduce the rate of the suicide of Teens in Thailand there arecomposition details are follows : component 1 : factors of Suicide the Youth orTeens Thailand. Consists of 6 key factors : 1) the values of modern 2) Economics'sfamily 3) Health-Mental 4) personal habits 5) family relationships 6) friend /love.component 2 The main component Buddhism that can be predispose toprevention and solutions of suicide are thhe four Noble Truths and the Makka 8.component 3 Psychology in the prevention and solutions of suicide are theprinciples counseling and the process of psychotherapy. component 4 The conceptto tackle the suicide problem of teens Thailand include : Concepts on the causesand prevention. The concept of behavior modification and lifestyle. The concept ofprotection through Family + Community+Temple +SchooltFriends. Component of5 Group emowered "Participation" includes: 1) teachers /school administrators,2) parent groups 3) Friends 4) health multidisciplinary and 5) Temple/dharmapractice.


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How to Cite

Srikrueat, S. . (2016). Integration of Buddhist Psychology : Concepts and Model Building to Reduce the Rate of Suicide Teen in Thailand Society . Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 5(3), 15–28. retrieved from