Organization Management for Learning Organization In The Cognitive Constructivism Based


  • Phra Maha Kamphon Khun Ngaro คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


Organization Management, Learning Organization, Cognitive Constructivism


The objectives of this study were 1) To study the components and processfor organization management for learning organization in the cognitive based onconstructivism 2) To study the factors for create learning organization based on thecognitive constructivism and 3 )To propose the trend for organizationmanagement for learning organization based on the cognitive constructivism.The methodology of this research was Qualitative Research that aimed at Organization Management, Learning Organization and Cognitive constructivismissues, collected data from 24 key informants from managements, staffs,stakeholders with In-depth InterviewingThe research findings as followings:1. The components and process for organization management for learningorganization in the cognitive constructivism based had a steps as : knowledgeindicating , knowledge finding, knowledge system making, knowledge analyzing andknowledge synthesizing by Learning by Doing process.2.The factors for creating learning organization in the cognitiveconstructivism based as followings :1. Individual factor by improve his self 2.Teamwork factor by team building that important for create Know how by Sharevision and 3)Organization factor by set the organization target, performanceevaluation and maintain the best practice which will be disseminate to aroundareas as continually.3. The purpose of the trend for organization management for learningorganization based on the cognitive constructivism as procedure for synthesizingthe knowledge for the art of living with others that will be developed body andMind of Soul that would be driven the way to catch Sila, Smathi and Panya thathelped the individual appreciated the core of themselves and lived in the societywith calmness.


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How to Cite

Khun Ngaro, P. M. K. (2016). Organization Management for Learning Organization In The Cognitive Constructivism Based. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 5(2), 205–220. retrieved from