Development of Community Potential for Products Create of Palmyra Based on Local Wisdom


  • Uthaiwan Phuthes คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครสวรรค์


The Potentials Development of the Community, Products Create of Palmyra, Local Wisdom


This research aimed to study 1) Potential analysis and problems inDevelopment of Community Potential for Products Create of Palmyra and 2)to development the potentials for Products Create of Palmyra based onLocal wisdom. Three concept used in the research are Sufficiency economywhich bases on sustainable development, economy community, communityparticipation and local wisdom to bring about changes in the community.The Participatory Action Research (PAR) process was used with the resultthat the villagers became researchers themselves, in addition to being theresearch target and beneficiaries. The research procedure started with theuse of the SWOT AIC (Appreciation-Influence-Control) and PRA (ParticipatoryRural Appraisal) techniques to people's participation and learning processdevelopment. The research methodology includes qualitative, participatoryand non-participatory observation, and in-depth interview in focus groupdiscussion. The result shows that community knew how to utilize localresources of Palmyra forest to solution for the economic, social andcultural unsustainable problem. Community's professional of Palmyraproducts in aimed to increase supplementary jobs and income, tostrengthen community capacity and preserve natural and cultural resources.It is expected that this community can be a model of cultural tourismmanagement and become a development alternative for other communities.There are four findings from this research which can be identifiedas follows :1. Koei Chai community had high potentiality both natural andcultural resources in professional of Palmyra products but problems of KoeiChai community as people and youths did not know social capital andknowledge in community and lacking awareness in conservation naturalresource cultural and local wisdom in Koei Chai community. For theproblems of community as people were lack to improve their skills andfood processing knowledge in the Professional of products from Palmyra tohave more variety.2. Development the potentials for Products Create of Palmyra basedon Local wisdom caused by a combination of conventional wisdom with newknowledge gained from the study, training and practical experiments. Thelocals and students from Rajabhat Nakhon Sawan is a very important role in the conception and development of products from Palmyra. The result fromoperating activities of community development professional products fromPalmyra to develop the economy of the community on the sufficiency economy :The community's satisfaction with socio-economic, cultural and environmentalconsequences of the development the potentials of the community inprofessional activities ranged from high to very high. Economically, theyearned higher incomes. Socially, the made more friends, social relationshipin the community improved, and they were more proud of their owncultures. In the environmental aspect, the people have become moreecologically conscious of saving nature and environment.3. Besides being a commodity for consumption which provides mainincomes for any families, the role of "Palmyra" in Koei Chai communityhas its additional value as commodity for Professional of Palmyra productsfor community economic system development based on the Sufficiencyeconomywhich provides more income for community. This is to create the"cost" in the "value" system of the ecosystem. The "cost" existing in theProfessional of Palmyra products process can also affect the community tobe aware of the "value" of social and cultural capital in their area.4. The local wisdom seemed to be one cultural dimension thatcould play a big role in development the community economy. At present,it is admitted that the society could exist only with the local wisdom, soas to decrease the risk of the collapses of families and the society ingeneral and to help the community to become self-reliant


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How to Cite

Phuthes, U. (2016). Development of Community Potential for Products Create of Palmyra Based on Local Wisdom. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 5(2), 193–204. retrieved from