Organizational Culture Based on Sangkahavattu 4


  • Universe Suksamaitri คณะรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ สถาบันรัชต์ภาคย์


Culture, Organizational Culture, Sangkahavattu 4


The Objectives of this research were (1) to study general problemcondition of organizational culture in Thai society and (2) to propose the means for the organizational culture improvement according to Sangkahavattu 4Research methodology was the documentary research studied from theprimary sources such as Tipitaka, Mahachulalongkornrajavidhayalaya version,important Buddhism scriptures as well as data from secondary sources, such astextbooks, book, research paper, thesis, journals and generally related document.Data were analyzed by descriptive interpretation.The research findings were as follows :1. General conditions of organizational culture problems in Thai societyarose from within the organization itself, consisting of 4 conditions; (1) problem ofscarcity of giving, sharing and forgiveness to each others. People in organizationslacked helping, sharing with each others. Sharing, helping and sacrifice for others orsociety were limited. Lack of coordination and cooperation between individuals.Division of works and empowerment were limited. Love and esprit de corps amongpersonnel were not quite prominent. Advantage taking, competition for favorites,jealousy and gossip and bad-talking behind back were quite prominent while timedevotion for work was low. (2) the problems of word delivery. People inorganizations were likely to speak impolitely, not nicely, not sweetly, not pleasantlyto coworkers that caused the faith crisis in speakers who liked to uses hash andrude words, lying words, gossip, instigating words in front and behind back includingdriveling or talking stupidly. (3) the problems of lacking of public will or servicemindedness, doing for the whole. It was quite well known that Thai culture waseveryone for himself, lack of honesty, lack of work honesty to oneself to otherseven to one own family, greedy to gain without thinking of right or wrong doing. (4)The problems of appropriate behavior and fair shares. People in organizations didnot behave properly in all circumstances , not abided by good morality, separatedwith no equal treatment because of bias, performing with double standards, bothof work and personal duty, cooperation and teamwork in the organizations wereminimal, power and authority abuse for wrong doing, lack of duty responsibility, usepower and authority for their own and relatives benefits.2. The mean to correct the organizational culture according toSangkahavattu 4 consisted of 4 elements: (1) Dana, giving, people in organizationsshould learn how to give, how to share, how to appropriately sacrifice for others,not to be selfish, should learn how to encourage and forgive each others, shareknowledge, ability, arts and sciences and skills in work performance. There shouldbe clear and appropriate work division. There should be collective training and


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How to Cite

Suksamaitri, U. . (2016). Organizational Culture Based on Sangkahavattu 4. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 5(2), 139–152. retrieved from