A Model of the Learning Organization Development of SubDistrict Municipalities In Northeastern Region of Thailand
Model, Developing, Learning OrganizationAbstract
The purposes of this research were (1) to study levels of the learningorganization of Sub-district Municipalities, (2) to study the causal factors affectinglearning organization of Sub-district Municipalities, and (3) to establish and confirm amodel of the learning organization development of Sub-district Municipalities inNortheastern Region of Thailand. Phase I was a study of the learning organizationand the causal factors affecting learning organization of Sub-district Municipalities inNortheastern Region of Thailand. The sample was 300 sub-district municipalities;those were selected by 20 units per 1 variable criteria and using the stratifiedrandom sampling, the key informant from each unit was of the municipal officer;total for 300 persons. The instruments were the rating scale questionnaire, toanalyze by the descriptive statistics, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, andStructural Equation Modeling : SEM of the LISREL software program. Phase ll wasconstructing and confirm a development for model of the learning organization ofSub-district Municipalities in Northeastern Region of Thailand, using the DelphiTechnique; and the sample group consisted of 20 experts in learning organizationand local administrative organizations who were obtained through purposivesampling. The results of Phase I and ll were then used and taken into considerationin constructing the a development for model of the learning organization of Sub-district Municipalities in Northeastern Region of Thailand.The research result was found as follows;1. The learning organization of Sub-district Municipalities in NortheasternRegion of Thailand as overall and all aspect was at high level, sorting mean fromhighest to lowest; the personal mastery, the mental models, the system thinking,the shared vision, and the team learning respectively.2. The factors affecting a development of the learning organization of Sub-district Municipalities in Northeastern Region of Thailand. Cluster are shown in adescending order of coefficient values as follows: climate and organizational culture(0.32), motivation (0.28), transformational leadership (0.23), the competency of theofficer and the team (0.16), knowledge management (0.14), and administration (-0.26). Those variable could explain the operation effectiveness of Sub-districtMunicipalities for 37.80% (R =0.378, p-value.05) by statistical significant at .05 levels.The relationship model of the cause factors was consistent with the empirical data(X~ =14.01,df= 13,p-value=0.37,GFI=0.99,AGFI=0.95,RMSEA0.01,RMR=0.01,CN=592.05)3. A development for model of the learning organization of Sub-districtMunicipalities in Northeastern Region of Thailand were (1) development of climateand organizational culture, and (2) development of transformational leadership,both must emphasized the following issue succeed of learning organization. Thismust be done through (3) the development of administration, (4) development ofcompetency of the officer and the team, (5) development of knowledgemanagement, and (6) development of motivation.
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