Changing Values in Present Society


  • Phrakrupariyatkittitamrong (Thongkhao Kittitharo) Mahachulalongkornrajaviyalaya University


Today society has changed significantly in many ways including thinking process and pattern, the way of life, attitudes and belief due to other cultures that have come to influence those changes. Materialism beyond boundaries and religions have become the main factors affecting new values and changes at the  time that have diverting effects on Thai society. Those values violence and conflicts that all parties concerned try to be aware of and to solve and move to new values that are conciliation and unity with the hope to bring  peace to society at the end.


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How to Cite

(Thongkhao Kittitharo), P. (2014). Changing Values in Present Society. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 3(3), 25–37. retrieved from