Ethical leadership change management for the creation of democratic values


  • Katiya Aryuyuen Institute for Skill Development Region 11 Surat Thani


Article entitled "Ethical Management for Leadership for Change and Creation of Democratic Values," the author attempts to the context of management consisting of Ethics is essentially the concept of transformational leadership that scholars were admitted. that are extremely important in the modern era of democracy promotion in the corporate and private sectors, especially government agencies that still cling to old-fashioned management framework which direction monopoly power. decision solely caused by a condition called. "Patronage or partisan" efficiency and effectiveness are significantly lower, so the executive ethics is an opportunity to help caulk the organization by strengthening ethics and values in the form of democracy. four aspects: 1) the management ethical leadership should establish policies for the values in the principles of democracy, 2) the behavior of leaders can lead to changes in the behavior of the followers or servants in government 3) democratic part. will give priority to the participation in the management. If a leader with vision, foresight is to create a process of participation, and 4) attitude, attitudes, ideas, opinions, feelings and beliefs these are included in the term values is driven to achieve. done according to your own preferences. 



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How to Cite

Aryuyuen, K. (2013). Ethical leadership change management for the creation of democratic values. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 2(3), 41–54. retrieved from