Developmental Community on The Principles of Buddhism


  • Suphakit Sothad Mahachulalongkornjaraviyalaya University


Community Development are process that set from the Cooperation between everybody in community. They accompany to do the activity for change of economy, politics, environment social and mind to high up. Then they can rely on themselves. The development must develop both of mind and material. As of Prayudh Payulto (P.A. Payulto) said that Development target are release themselves to pass from suffer both of body and mind that born from freedom that can rely on themselves. The Doctrine of heart in Buddhism are push people to do the goodness refrain from the malignance and do the pure mind. The Doctrine lead of Buddha to apply to the community Devebpnevt can make believe that every activity will go to the objective as of effectiveness and sustainable.






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How to Cite

Sothad, S. (2013). Developmental Community on The Principles of Buddhism. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 2(1), 197–205. retrieved from