Crisis of Thai leaders: problems and solutions


  • Wanchai Sooktham Mahachulalongkornjaraviyalaya University


The cause of the current Thai crisis from the context of Thai social structure Because it is a society that There is a loose social structure. And most importantly, people in the society are still holding the support system Because the general public, which is a large group, must fall as a patron, therefore

Most of these people are mindful of politics. Looking at politics is a far off topic. Do not want to join the group to claim Or suggest various ideas Saw that it was a waste of time to find Reiki When there are persuasions or incentives with different types of compensation Will join me regardless of whether the expression is wrong or correct Until it was a phenomenon that violated the ruling law. The final result tacked political, economic and social development. Therefore Solution The proposed is short-term (urgent). The government must host all parties to solve the problem together if agreed and there is a possibility to be resolved.

The constitution must be done so that the country can move forward in the long run (still standing). We have to look at the cause of the problem. The problem began with the social structure. We have to fix the society to strengthen the society by presenting 4 methods which are socialization To cultivate and create public awareness Increase educational opportunities Improve the quality of life And instilling beliefs, values ​​and attitudes. The four processes will lead to a strong social structure which is Politician People have a democratic political culture. And people want to show off And participate in politics Finally, when our society is ready, strong There is enough to be able to demand or push for political change. People think that political reform will lead to a good political system, followed by legislative power, management and judiciary. Stable counterbalance The government uses power for the common good. Politicians have high standards of morality. Revealing and transparency


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ทองทิพภา วิริยะพันธุ์ กลยุทธ์การสร้างความโดนเด่นสำหรับผู้บริหาร. กรุงเทพมหานคร : สำนักพิมพ์อินฟอร์มิเดียบุ๊คส์, ๒๕๔๖.
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How to Cite

Sooktham, W. (2013). Crisis of Thai leaders: problems and solutions. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 2(1), 184–196. retrieved from