Factors Affecting Public Policy Implementation of Personals in Tubthai Administrative Organization, Traphraya District, Sa kaeo Province


  • Amnauy Malathong Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage


Affecting Factors/Policy Implementation


The objectives of this study were to study the level of factors for public
policy implementation of personals in Tubthai administrative organization,
Traphraya district, Sa kaeo province and study factors affecting the success of the
implementation of personals in Tubthai Administrative Organization, Traphraya
district, Sa kaeo province. The samples in this study were ๒๗ personals were
selected through stratified random sampling. Research instruments were
questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed through frequency, percentage,
arithmetic mean, standard deviation, analysis of variance and simple regression
The research findings are as follows:
1) The factors relating to the success of the public policy
implementation of personals in Tubthai administrative organization, Traphraya
district, Sa kaeo province are: attitude of policy practitioners, policy attributes,
leadership status, policy objectives and resources sufficiency.
2) A high number of factors regarding success in the policy
implementation, separated into various aspects and ranked from the highest to the
lowest as follows: attitude of policy practitioners, policy attributes, leadership
status, policy objectives and resources sufficiency


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How to Cite

Malathong, A. (2014). Factors Affecting Public Policy Implementation of Personals in Tubthai Administrative Organization, Traphraya District, Sa kaeo Province . Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 3(2), 134–144. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/245230