Management of Anger


  • Duangjai Pintamoon Independent academic


Anger, human beings’ natural emotion, has existed since ancient times. Anger is a severe emotion or disappointed feeling. It always comes up with animosity and tension caused by painful touch or contempt. In addition, anger can
happen in an independent working part of the brain of thinking Neocortex, the mammalian brain, and when anger has controlled any people’s feeling, they will lose mindfulness and clear comprehension and other actions before Neocortex can
control it. Anything with anger is expressed, they can be either cruel or not  dangerous to them or others, but they, however, will be collected in their brain of emotion Amygdhla, the limbic brain. Anger can be divided into two parts: positive
anger can affect mind change and improve better morality, we have to realize the anger consisted of main emotions such as love, happiness, hope, jealousy, hatred, and sadness; meanwhile, negative anger comprised of two characters: bristly anger, which can lead to misconduct, and evil planed anger, which can make havoc on mankind, for example, war and terrorism happening all over the world. This is the reason to raise the issues of study: what is anger? How many types of anger? How can anger happen? What characters is anger consisted of? and How to prevent anger and its management method of anger.


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How to Cite

Pintamoon, D. (2014). Management of Anger . Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 3(2), 65–78. retrieved from