Charity School Management of Buddhist Temple : Sapbornwittaya Temple School, Phetachabun Province


  • Suwat Intaraprapai Phetchaboon Rajaphat University


School and community mainly relied on people’s participation. The cooperation of home, temple and school is integrated as a sustainable true friend because any activities need their willing participation in order to support everyone’s
needs relating to way of life in the society. Because of making people’s willing participation, the activities for participation are needed to be involved with their way of life, social values, tradition, and attitude in order to achieve voluntary
participation, according to different backgrounds of personality, economy, and information approach. However, the participation of the community should be analyzed and synthesized its problems in order to arrange a plan suitable and
relevant to its way of life, and also it is needed to specify activities, operation, evaluation, the process of entering into participation, and the emphasis on centered community. State schools has tried to help, suggested and
accommodated their community continuously.

The management of school or educational institute is an educational activity to be operated with process by a group of people in order to achieve the target goals of the school. Those are to develop members or educational stakeholders so that they will become a qualified member according to the social needs. It is the most important mission of the school administrators who have to survive the organization. They have to make a plan, method, and procedures in
operations systematically by spending limited government budget with frugality, worthiness, human resource, money, period of time, and other assets. If the administrative system of the school is not good, it will effect other sections of the
organization. Therefore, achievement or failure in the school will depend on the school administrator.

In conclusion, Sapbornwittaya Temple School in Phetachabun province is another alternative education. It was permissioned to establish a school legally according to Private School Act 1945, and also it has provided schooling system
similar to common high schools. Meanwhile, its core purpose is to cultivate morality and ethics into students. In addition to its purposes, it promotes students’ perception of principles of Dhamma, and they apply and follow those principles of
Dhamma and Buddhism activities correctly in terms of taking care of their body, speech and mind in the right way. The students have to follow and practice in the right concept of good morality and culture, do not exploit oneself and others,
make benefits to oneself and society, have a good leadership and followership, and  become a good citizen of democratic society with the King as Head of State.




ประภาศรี สีหอาไพ. พื้นฐานการศึกษาทางศาสนาและจริยธรรม. กรุงเทพมหานคร : สานักพิมพ์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย, ๒๕๓e.
อุดม ชำณิ สนักงานกลุ่มโรงเรียนการกุศลของวัดในพระพุทธศาสนา. โรงเรียนพินิจ ประสาธน์ อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดพะเยา. ปราจีนบุรี : เจตนารมณ์รมณ์ภัณฑ์, ๒๕๕๓.
สำนักงานเลขาธิการคุรุภา. เกณฑ์มาตรฐานผู้บริหารสถานศึกษา. กรุงเทพมหานคร : โรงพิมพ์คุรุสภาลาดพร้าว, ๒๕๔๐.
สำนักงานคณะกรรมการการศึกษาเอกชน. การพัฒนาโรงเรียนการกุศลของวัดในพระพุทธศาสน.กรุงเทพมหานคร : สานักพิมพ์คุรุสภา, ๒๕๔๑.
สำนักงานคณะกรรมการการศึกษาแห่ชาติ. ความสำเร็จในการปฏิบัติภารกิจของวัดกรุงเทพมหานคร: โรงพิมพ์จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย, ๒๕๔๖.
พระไพศาล สุทธจิตโต (นทายะ) การบริหารงานโรงเรียนการกุศลของวัดในพระพุทธศาสนา จ้งหวัดราชบุรี. มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย: ๒๕๕๔.




How to Cite

Intaraprapai, S. (2014). Charity School Management of Buddhist Temple : Sapbornwittaya Temple School, Phetachabun Province . Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 3(2), 53–64. retrieved from