Proactive teaching techniques Study experience / from Shelton College International Singapore


  • Paisan Keursang Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University


This article was presented about Learning based on experiences from Shelton College International, Singapore. It specialized in Teaching proactive technique with suitable for learners and emphasize on learning activities for both
indoor and outdoor activities for capping to learners as much as possible. It related with 3H principles; Head (related to knowledge and understanding), Hand (related to abilities) and Heart (related to reputation and feelings). Instructor was written objectives for learning to find out the suitable technique related with how to teach depending on the goals and successful for learning and teaching. In addition, monitoring and developing education from the past to the present. The teaching process has developed more as a change of economic and communications technology are being developed continuously. From teaching the theory in the classroom, exercise practice; according to the teaching of the instructor unilaterally. As a result, students’ lack of the skills to think and analyze, that is the attention of the students have only 30 minutes to an hour. As a result, the atmosphere in the class is boring because the teacher's role in classroom only. In this case, instruction that emphasizes proactive change is how the learners love to learn with motivational incentives to modify attitudes and values to create a model for structuring the learning to occur, leading to the base of the society. Allow children to explore the world in both the real world and the virtual world how to learn and use their imagination; create new ideas by developing the learning process beyond the classroom and outside the school system in parallel with the learning process in the classroom. The existing system, this tutorial focuses on proactive changes to conform to the change of the social world. 

Depending on a theory of knowledge; the Constructivism focuses on activity based on learning: ABL1. The concept of knowledge to focus on hand-on leaning for children’s for both, have role to explore for self-knowledge and learning
method for Active Learning. On the other hand, learning by lectured from the instructor is Passive Learning. Finally, learning through learners can absorb their knowledge through games, group activities for learners to develop their concepts
and knowledge itself. 


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How to Cite

Keursang, P. (2014). Proactive teaching techniques Study experience / from Shelton College International Singapore. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 3(2), 38–52. retrieved from