Guidelines for Production Saving Groups to Increase the Effectiveness of Economic Activities


  • Nat Lakchaikun Chulalongkorn University
  • Jaroon Sri madilokkovit Chulalongkorn University


Increase the Effectiveness; Economic Activities; Production Saving Groups (PSGs)


The objective of this research for: 1) studying the status of economic activities operation; 2) analyzing the effectiveness of economic activities 3) propose the guidelines for increasing the effectiveness of economic activities. The sampling are 426 Production Saving Groups (PSGs) in the 20 provinces of Northeastern area. The data collecting conducted from PSGs by questionnaires and Focus Groups, using the descriptive tatistics for analyze.
The research results found that 1) PSGs in Northeastern area, were outstanding in number and the varieties of economic activities. They were the capital sites of their own communities in works and professions creation and welfare for members and communities. Then the saving groups management must have the written group regulations, came from the public consensus of their members, which assisted to get the effectiveness of management. 2) The present PSGs had the effectiveness of economic activities in average level. They provided welfare and saving more benefit than the professional promotion which needed to increase by training skill and more expanding the community businesses running together in the manner of networking or connecting activities between saving groups, including by training accountancy systems and study tours for increasing experience of welfare 3) Therefore, PSGs should pay attention by increasing guidelines for effectiveness of economic activities continuously by learning enhancement from supporters, by arranging knowledge system and creating the new knowledge which were developed from the groups’ problem, might bring technology and information to implement their learning enhancement.


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How to Cite

Lakchaikun, N. ., & madilokkovit, J. S. (2020). Guidelines for Production Saving Groups to Increase the Effectiveness of Economic Activities. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 1(3), 48–62. retrieved from