Principles to efficiency administration local authorities.


  • Thapthim Sayam Sa-nguan Det Sakun


Administration local government organizations; Efficiency; Buddhist Dharma


To use Buddhist Dharma (Virtue) in administration organization is the best way to develop any management of organization. If the administration desires and supports successfulness both body and mind of his people, they will be glad, happy and work well. On the other hand, if the administration neglect and suffered. So the administration has to behave and manage his duty by using Buddhist Dharma such as four holy Abiding: join-Kindness or friendliness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity or neutrality creates true effectiveness for all.
Nowadays, most of local organization administration set up administering standard for the leaders to hold and practice virtue regularly. In addition, the administrators and their stuff apply Buddhist Dharma nurturing their people as well. So by using Buddhist Dharma nurturing strategies approach effectiveness to local organization administration entirely.


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How to Cite

Sa-nguan Det Sakun, T. S. . . (2020). Principles to efficiency administration local authorities. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 1(3), 38–47. retrieved from