Strategic Development of Personnel Competence according to Buddhist Principles of the Workforce Development Institute in the upper south
Strategic development, workforce developmentAbstract
The objectives of this research are to (1) study integrating the concept and theory of developing the personnel's performance with the Buddhadhamma, 2) study the problem conditions and general conditions of developing the personnel performance of the Labor Development Institute in the upper part of the southern region and 3) propose the strategies for developing the personnel's performance, according to the Buddhadhamma , of the Labor Development Institute in the upper part of the southern region. The research methodology applied is the qualitative research. Two steps of collecting the data are the in-depth-interview and Focus Group Discussion. For the In-Depth Interview, the key informants are divided into 5 groups purposefully selected, those are 28 Directors, Heads, officials, regular employees in the Labor Development Institute in the upper part of the southern region and monk administrators in the area of the upper part of the southern region. The instruments used for collecting the data are the structured In-Depth Interview and the Face to Face In-Depth Interview. The analyzing the data made by descriptive interpretation. For group discussion, there are 15 participants in particular group, being chosen in a particular style, the data are collected from group discussion. On the result of research, it is found that
1) In integrating the concept and theory of developing the personnel's performance with the Buddhadhamma principle of the Labor Development Institute in the upper part of the southern region, it is found that the integration for developing the performance of personnel consist of 3 steps. Those are 1. the step of changing the physical and verbal behavior to be normal, proper and nice in order to create the personnel's behavior to be more believable in society, 2. the step of changing the mental aim to be stable and sincere to do one's duty in order to support the one's moral and ethical basis, and 3. the step of adjusting how to learn about working consistently in order to cause the experience for improving, creating and protect the mistake that may be in the future.
2) For the problem conditions and general conditions of developing the personnel's performance under the Buddhadhamma principle of the Labor Development Institute in the upper part of the southern region, it was found that all 5 main problem conditions are 1. the problem conditions of aimed efficiency, 2. the problem conditions of good service, 3. the problem conditions of collecting the expert of profession, 4 the problem status of putting one's faith of rightness,
fairness, and morality and 5. for the problem conditions of team work, such as putting the right person in the right job is not done, being transferred from one job to another job, morality, ethics and principle were still less because only the skills, workmanship and academic expert were emphasized but the virtue was not emphasized, paying attention to or regarding the personnel's performance development was less, lacking the cooperation and integration with internal and external work units, the curriculum was not in coincidence with requirement. These aspects were both the problem and obstacle of developing the performance of the personnel of the Labor Development Institute in the upper part of the southern region.
3) For Stratagem of developing the personnel's Performance as of the Buddhadhamma Principle of Labor Development Institute in Upper part of the Southern Region, it was found that the stratagem of developing the personnel's Performance consists of 1. the stratagem of developing the personnel's Performance under the Buddhadhamma principle in the aspect of the aimed efficiency, 2. the stratagem of developing the personnel's Performance under the Buddhadhamma principle in the aspect of good service, 3. the stratagem of developing the personnel's Performance under the Buddhadhamma principle in the aspect of collecting the professional expert, 4. the stratagem of developing the personnel's Performance under the Buddhadhamma principle in the aspect of having a faith in right and ethics and 5. the strategies of developing the personnel's Performance under the Buddhadhamma principle in the aspect of working in team. These were to develop the personnel to get the good behavior, be able to work under the scope, rules, criterion, regulations and principles having an effect on working (Adhisilasikkha), get stability under the standard code of conduct for doing the duty with the knowledge and ability ( Adhicittasikkha ) of the Labor Development Institute in the upper part of the southern region (Sorphorphor 11), to possess the quality as required by the organization and to solve the problems of developing the personnel's performance under the Buddhadhamma principle of the Labor Development Institute in the upper part of the southern region. Besides this, the training in practicing the said 2 things is the base for promoting the personnel to have skills, claverness, expert and learning experience and to be able to solve the occurring problems immediately (Adhipanyasikkha).
(๑) หนังสือ
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