The Supporting Role of Sufficiency Economy Concept of KlongTup ChanSub-District Administrative Organization, Aranyaprathet District, Sakaeo Province
role, sufficiency economy conceptAbstract
The objectives of this research were (1) to study the role supporting sufficiency economy concept of KlongTup Chan sub-District Administrative Organization, Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province. (2) to study the problems of implementation of sufficiency economy concept in KlongTup Chan Sub-District Administrative Organization, Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province and (3) to recommend the mean of supporting and implementing the sufficiency economy concept in KlongTup Chan Sub-District administrative Organization, Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province. Methodology was the qualitative research, collecting data by interviewing 42 community leaders, including Sub-District Chair person,deputy-Chair persons, and Sub-District secretaries, 22 local administrative officials of Tambon KlongTup Chan, 9 organization leaders, 4 vocational leaders, and 5 civil service administrators of KlongTup Chan Sub-District Administrative Organization.
The findings of this research were as follows: 1. The KlongTup Chan Sub-District Administrative Organization had not provided sufficient promotion of the concepts of sufficiency economy which could be seen in the fact that there were few projects and activities being carried out to support the concept. Most activities were only involved with occupational development and integrated agriculture. They also understood how to apply sufficiency economy concepts at a personal and family level. Most people received training on sufficiency economy concept at least one time.
2. The problem of implementation of sufficiency economy concept in KlongTup Chan Sub-District Administrative Organization, Aranyaprathet District, SaKaeo Province were the limited personnel. The current officials have many responsibilities and need to operate in other positions, and therefore their duties regarding sufficiency economy concepts cannot be performed seriously and continuously. An additional obstacle was the limited budget, not appropriate to various delegated task.
3. Recommendation for supporting the sufficiency economy concept of KlongTup Chan Sub-District Administrative Organization, Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province was that Tub Chan Sub-District Administrative Organization should publicize sufficiency economy concepts to the public to educate the public seriously and continuously, to promote the integration of the concept of sufficiency economy so that it can be materialized. There should be a demonstrative agricultural center according to the sufficiency economy philosophy at Klong Tup Chan Sub-District, so that the public who are interested in sufficiency agriculture should be invited to visit the center and should be educational trip to other areas and allocate the appropriate budget rather than supporting the concept of sufficiency economy to the public.
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(๒) วิทยานิพนธ์
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ปิติณัช ไศลบาท. การจัดการฐานทรัพยากรและโครงสร้างทางเศรษฐกิจสังคมที่เอื้อต่อการพัฒนาหมู่บ้านเศรษฐกิจพอเพียง : กรณีศึกษาบ้านนาฝายตําบลหัวเรืออําเภอวาปีปทุมจังหวัด มหาสารคาม, รายงานการค้นคว้าอิสระปริญญาวิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการบริหารจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อม, มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม, ๒๕๕๐.
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