Fiscal distribution: Mechanisms for creating social equilibrium that remain unbalanced


  • Phramahasuthep Supandhito Mahachulalongkornrajaviyalaya University


Fiscal decentralization, social justice, 3-D’s balance.


The administrative role of the state in national development is to create well-being for the people in the state. Fiscal policy is an important mechanism to drive the economy. In fiscal operations to ensure efficiency of operation, transparency and fiscal sustainability, mechanisms for fiscal responsibility must be created In order to create a fair society. Fiscal decentralization must have a strategic plan in action. With regard to the impact that will occur as economical, social and political impacts, well balanced solutions, decentralized fiscal
unanswered balance are required to integrate all facets of development; the power structure in 3-D as 1) distribution. administrative authority (Administrative Decentralization) 2) the distribution of political power (Political Decentralization), and 3) fiscal decentralization (Fiscal Decentralization) These 3-D’s must be balanced in order to create innovative and measurable tools to create opportunities for the development of education, health, income fairness under
long-term self-sufficient and better sustainable quality of life.


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How to Cite

Supandhito, P. (2014). Fiscal distribution: Mechanisms for creating social equilibrium that remain unbalanced. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 3(1), 43–55. retrieved from