Buddhism and Leadership


  • Thatchanan Issaradet Mahachulalongkornrajaviyalaya University


Buddhism, Virtues, Dhammatipataiya


Leadership is a phenomenon occurring in human society. Leadership is  the important factor for all organizations, both public and private. The prosperity  and down grading of the organizations depend on the administrators of those  organizations process enough leadership to lead and persuade personnel to work for the organizations to reach the set goal. Buddhism indicates that leaders must  have wisdom (viyatto), disciplines (Vinito), bravery (Visarato), good knowledge (Pahusuto), virtues, justice maintaining  Dhammanudhammapatipanno). Leaders  according to Buddhism aim to have Dhammatapataiya, rule by Dhamma, hold  Dhamma as the main principles, holding to the righteous and good principles for the highest benefits of organizations and majority of public.


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How to Cite

Issaradet, T. (2014). Buddhism and Leadership. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 3(1), 28–42. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/245030