Problem determination Naming and writing of social science research objectives


  • Phrakrusangkharukkiettisak Kittipanno (Suklueng) Mahachulalongkornrajaviyalaya University


The research problem, title objective writing.


Research problem determination is the direction and guidance to  conduct research. Before starting the research, the researcher must define the issues that will be used to do research first. The criteria that the researcher will be able to do it successfully. Then go into the title. The scope of the term must not be too wide or narrow. It must corresponds to the field of study. Then design the method of data collection, population, samples and locations for research. The objectives setting must comply with the research title. The problem issues must
cover all areas wanted to study. It must be written in a short, clear, and precise  manner in order for the researcher can set the research design. After the researcher
can focus on the research problem, then he can name the research title, sets the objectives and conceptual frameworks simultaneously.


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How to Cite

Kittipanno (Suklueng) , P. . (2014). Problem determination Naming and writing of social science research objectives. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 3(1), 14–27. retrieved from