Effective local government administration


  • Lala Da Wri Thathi Krai Kitti Wari Thathi Krai Kitti


Administration; Effective; Local Administrative Organization


The survey research on the effectiveness of local administration aimed to (1) find out the Indicators for effective municipal administration (2) study the characteristics of effective municipal administration and (3) recommend ways to enhance effectiveness of municipals administration. The samples consisted of 23 municipal ties in Thailand. The questionnaire was used for data collection. Prior to the distribution of the questionnaire, nine executives from Nonthaburi were interviewed as key informants. They were divided into three groups namely: top level, middle level and operational level. The findings revealed the following: 1. The indicators of effective local administrators included various aspects such as basic construction, quality of life, finance, and organizational aspects. 2. The sub-indicators of effective administration comprised leader vision, strategic planning, operation planning, and quality of effective administration including leader
vision, strategic planning, operation, planning, organizational management, decisionmaking management, data organization system. 3. The effective municipal administration could be ranked from the highest as Nonthaburi, Ayutthaya and Phuket respectively. In conclusion, it was recommended that there were seven ways to develop the effectiveness of municipal administration: increase the potential of all executive develop both governments officials and politicians, develop moral administration, and communication in the operational level including the information system accessible by all, and develop SWOT for the city development plan to promote to quality of life activities


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How to Cite

Wari Thathi Krai Kitti, L. D. . W. T. K. K. (2020). Effective local government administration. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 1(1), 110–123. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/244771