Factors that determine the use and satisfaction of customers with the management. The housing loan. Bangkok


  • U Sani Su Tham Ma Phon


Decision; using services; satisfaction


This research aimed to : study the factors for decision making of using services of customers examine the levels of opinions of customers and examine the levels of satisfaction of customers. By compare the levels of opinions based on personal factors, compare the levels of satisfaction to personal factors, compare the levels of satisfaction to service factors and examine the relationship between personal factors and service factors, find the relationship between the level of opinion and the levels of satisfaction. The research tools were percentage, means, standard The sample group consisted of 384 customers. The research tools were percentage, means, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, LSD., Chi-Square, and Correlation.
The findings indicated the followings: Regarding factors of using services, most of the customers chose the bank loan which did not set many conditions on the borrower’s qualifications. There ware various types of interest. The bank loan fee was low. The bank officials were active and willing to give services. Details of profits, privileges, and changes were sent to inform the customers. There was a service of housing loans. Concerning the level of customer’ opinion on planning, organization management, motivation, and quality control, the result revealed that the customers found that the bank offered services in a high level in every aspect, as for the customer’s satisfaction, work performance of the staff, information on giving and receiving services, and technology equipment, they were found in a high level. Regarding the office building and places, the customers were satisfied in a moderate level, difference in age, occupation, and monthly income yielded different opinions with statistically significant level at .05. Difference in age, educational background, occupation, and monthly income yielded different satisfaction, difference in the condition of the credit, interest rate, fee, information credit news, the awareness of fame acknowledgement and the stability of the bank yielded different satisfaction with statistically significant level at .05. Personal factors related to the service factors with statistically significant level at .05. and the customers’ levels of opinion related to the levels of satisfaction with statistically significant level at .01.


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How to Cite

Su Tham Ma Phon, U. S. . (2020). Factors that determine the use and satisfaction of customers with the management. The housing loan. Bangkok. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 1(1), 99–109. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/244770