Values change because society changes


  • Phrakhru Pariyatkittithamrong


Value, Sociat Changing


Value is the determinant of role and behavior of people who live in the changing world, so we have to adjust ours to meet it. Value of society is the role and behavior of all in that community. Our society will be risen or fallen depends on its
value, so we have to construct or create good value for our community and We need to teach and train our people to behave and follow the good value of the time. The good value such as loving, sympathize, helping, sharing, and being responsible are very important to us in any society, especially in our nation, Thailand. Our leaders in any kind of administrative office.


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How to Cite

Phrakhru Pariyatkittithamrong. (2020). Values change because society changes. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 1(1), 13–29. retrieved from