Effectiveness, Waste Management, Local Administrative OrganizationsAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to study the consistency of structural equation model of waste management effectiveness of local administrative organizations in Ang Tong Province with the empirical data, to analyze causal factors and to propose structural equation model. The research was the mixed methods. The quantitative research data were collected from 650 samples. The qualitative research, data were collected from 17 key informants and 9 participants in focus group discussion Results of the study were as follows:1. The developed model of structural equation model of the waste management effectiveness of local administrative organizations in Ang Tong Province was fit with empirical data. The analyzed results showed that Chi-square = 124.90, df = 101, p = .053, GFI = .98, AGFI = .96, RMSEA = .020.2. There were 4 main factors in causal factors affecting waste management effectiveness of local administrative organizations in Ang Tong Province which consisted of 1) leadership factors = 3.65, 2) management factors
= 3.74, 3) participation factors
= 3.61, and 4) success factors
= 3.73.3.Structural equation model of effectiveness waste management of local administrative organizations in Ang Tong Province was: Leadership, Management, Participation and Qualified personnel with Success as the mediator towards sustainable effectiveness of waste management of local administrative organizations in Ang Tong Province.
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