Ghosts, Community Economy, Wat Chedi (Ai Khai)Abstract
This article aims to study the development of belief in Study of Ai Khai, Wat Chedi. Until it was development. Mixed with religion to drive the community economy. Use the study method from the document. Participatory observation in the real area. Interviews and writing in essays in academic articles. The study found that Ai Khai is a ghost with social development. And the history that developed from a local ghost to a universal guardian ghost, Respected, It is widely believed with empirical results as a sacrifice. It is a reward for the success of the requested bloom. At the same time, the success of Ai Khai, Wat Chedi, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, is popular. Faith and Requests, Pleading with sacrifice. It drives the community economy. Since the trade of the offering of votive offerings. Such as firecrackers, military guns, military uniforms, chicken stucco, votive items and construction, Employment, Tourism and other occupations have contributed to the income generated through the community economy within the temple and Nakhon Si Thammarat province.
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