Role, Social Enterprise, Development Youth, National Youth PolicyAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to study the condition process and suggesting the guidelines and roles of social enterprise in child and youth development according to national policy in Bangkok. This study was a qualitative research using document research and in-depth interview. Research tools were in-depth interview; additionally, data analysis was undertaken by content analysis. Research results unveiled that. (1) The condition of social enterprise builds groups in school system so as to work together and know about sharing from schools into community. However, social enterprise was still operated by private sector with an aim for getting profits to solve problems and develop community. As for Bangkok, there was an establishment of Children and Youth Council of Bangkok according to National Economic and Social Development Plan by connecting networks, providing creative areas, and drawing exterior organizations to participate in this project. (2) Operation process had the operation of social enterprise to develop children and minors according to national policy with 8 operational processes. (3) As for recommendation, it was necessary that social enterprise for child and youth development played a role in supporting developing minors’ skills, distributing education services, and setting up more activities. Regarding recommendation for improving the role of social enterprise in child and youth development, government and private agencies and other departments should take more responsibility in developing children and minors and train the mainstay in role operation of social enterprise.
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