Cancellation of Concession of Chatree Gold Mining by Council for Peace and Order


  • กวินกาญจน์ ธนชัยวุฒิพงศ์
  • เอกพร รักความสุข


Governmental management Concession cancellation Gold Mining


The purpose of the research was to study 1) To study the governmental agency management system to manage the quality of life and the environment caused by the abolition of gold mining concession, 2) To study the way to deal with problems that lead to environmental contamination that affects people. 3) To analyze the problems and obstacles in addressing the problem. It is a qualitative study by analyzing the actual phenomena. With in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. From the main contributors 39 people Including non-engaging observations. Including academic papers, reports, and related research papers. To conduct a systematic analysis using the triangulation method. And using inductive analysis as an interpretation creates a conclusion from the observed phenomenon. The findings were as follows:
1. The state government regulates gold mining. Will follow the main legal procedures. It is a barrier to take over and manage the impact of gold mining.
2. With the authority, procedure, procedure of the law. Government officials could not confirmed and provided accurate information to the public. It became a gulf between government agencies and the public.

3. Gold mining this resulted in conflicts between people who benefited the local people in this area, whom benefited from the gold mining, to improve the quality of life of the people as a whole.
4. State and private entities involved in the gold mining concession. Lack of coordination about confidence building The health and environment at the heart of the gold mining industry has become a major issue in the mining industry, even though mining is likely to bring many benefits, such as revenue generation. Promote  the economy in the community.


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How to Cite

ธนชัยวุฒิพงศ์ ก., & รักความสุข เ. (2020). Cancellation of Concession of Chatree Gold Mining by Council for Peace and Order. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 1041–1050. retrieved from