The Development of Educational Administrative Model for Childhood Development in 21st Century


  • ลักษณพร ใจดี
  • ชุติมา มุสิกานนท์


Model Development Childhood Education administration in 21st Century


The educational administrative in 21st Century must take POSDCORB principal by the high administrator of Childhood school as must be role players in Policy formulation (P) and Coordination (Co) with all Government and Private Organization, including Staffing (S) by enhance competency of teacher, babysitting and Educational Personnel. Those Thai educational context teaching memorization styles with lectures emphasize theories without children practice. Therefore, the education administration for childhood development in 21st Century was Three aspects; curriculum development, Learning process and evaluated learning achievement by concerned the 21st century skills. The curriculum model was integrated with several of subjects. The Learning process are develop to Child Center as well as learning on needs with freely by less content and children learn more, such as Project-Base Learning (PBL), act on test, Creativity (arts and crafts), lead to present knowledge, reasonable, learning together, use media and technology supported learning. The part of evaluated learning achievement take various method, such as, evaluate from the skills, child can do, cooperate, help or exchange with friends in learning, association, emotions expression, along with Portfolios. The assessment got use to information resume for each child.


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How to Cite

ใจดี ล. . ., & มุสิกานนท์ ช. . (2020). The Development of Educational Administrative Model for Childhood Development in 21st Century. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 1029–1040. retrieved from