
  • กวีวัฒน์ คงพงศา
  • เอกพร รักความสุข


Restructuring , Local Government Organization


The research "Restructuring of Local Government Organization" was a qualitative research with three objectives: firstly, To study the restructuring of local government organization. Second, To study the problems and obstacles of organizational restructuring. Local administration and lastly, To study the effectiveness that the restructuring of local government organization. This study The researcher used a variety of methods to collect data from key informants, analyzed the data by comparing various perspectives for the correct interpretation of the phenomenon.
1. With the area of responsibility of the restructuring of local government organization, the general area is overlapping when the complaints of the people in the local area, so that no local authorities person whom showed responsibility to solve problems for this people.
2. The restructuring of local government organization, despite the separation of management from the council, clearly to balance the power, but found common budget corruption between the two parties.
3. The citizens expected that the municipality will be able to respond quickly and solve the problem on time, using technology to facilitate and service the people.
4. The local government organization ignored the importance of enhancing the strong participation of the people or the Citizenship Council in the role of local participation, management, and good governance, and do not promote tangible concentrated action.


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How to Cite

คงพงศา ก. ., & รักความสุข เ. . (2020). RESTRUCTURING OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 1019–1028. retrieved from