
  • อารี หนูชูสุข
  • เอกพร รักความสุข


Development Strategies, Local Authority, Achievement


The study of “Local Authority Development Strategies for Achievement: Case study of Yala City Municipality” were purposed to study the process of setting strategies, problem state and obstacles, and to apply of studied strategies to use the local authority development strategies for achievement in the three southern provinces. This study was the qualitative research. The study area was in Yala City Municipality. The sample groups were 37 persons for in-depth interview and 8 persons for focus group including former and present administrators, government officer and representatives of Buddhist-Thai people and Muslim-Thai people to collect the comment of the key informants for analyze by using qualitative data analysis by Miles and Huberman to create the local authority development strategies for achievement. This study was separated in to five projects of the local authority development for achievement i.e. 1) Youth Orchestra Project, 2) Yala Bird City Project, 3) Return Yala to Yala People Project, 4) Water Management Project, and 5) MalayuDay@Yala Project. The five project covered six aspects i.e. 1) background and process, 2) objectives, 3) problem and obstacle, 4) participation, 5) budget, and 6) evaluation aspects. There are process to define the strategies of development that are interesting, especially finding the information while campaigning and announce to a policy before entering the position. Key factors of
implementing a strategies to achievement covered six aspects i.e.1) leadership, 2) quality and strengths, 3) unity, 4) participation process, 5) continuity, and 6) support aspects. The research results , found that the Local Authority Development Strategies for Achievement of Yala City Municipality hat successful and won from King Prajadhipok's Institute and has continued to develop. The Local Authority Development Strategies for Achievement of Yala City Municipality is 1)Leadership is
accessible and sincere to the people.2)Full participation process and comprehensive 3)Strength, and quality of civil servant and full-time Yala City Municipality officers aspect that has a great impact on the achievement of development.


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How to Cite

หนูชูสุข อ. ., & รักความสุข เ. . (2020). LOCAL AUTHORITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC FOR ACHIEVEMENT CASE STUDY OF YALA CITY MUNICIPALITY. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 997–1006. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/243796