
  • Parada Sartpanit
  • Den Chanetiyoung


Model, Educational leadership development, Changing stage leadership


The purposes of this research were to develop leadership development
education in the changing stage in Chanthaburi service area office 2 Chanthaburi
district primary educational research and development. Were there a way to  conduct research into 4 steps: 1) to determine the factors of education leadership
model on changing stage for Chanthaburi primary edutational service area office 2 ;
2) to develop the factors of educational leadership model on changing stage of
Chanthaburi educational service area office 2; 3) construction the model of new
modern leadership development education on changing stage of Chantaburi
primary educational service area office 2 ; 4) To assess the development of
educational leadership on changing stage Chanthaburi primary educational
service area office 2. The research methodology consisted of four steps. 1)Analysis
and synthesis the documents on educational leadership in order to establish
conceptual framework,2)To develop the factors of educational leadership with
Delphi Technique; 3)sought the advice and feedback from eight experts on school
administration by focus group discussion technique and 4)evaluated the opinions
of 100 school administrators. The analysis of the data was accomplished by
computation of percentage, mean, standard deviation , The median and
interquartile range was also computed to test each of the consensus postulated in
the study The research findings were as follows ;
The research found that the pattern of development of educational
leadership on the changing stage primary educational, Chanthaburi service area
office 2 consists of 5 main elements or sub-elements are 30 metrics
1. The group of experts representing the 6 factors ; 1) Mission for 5
indicators, 2) commitment of success for 5 indicators , 3) Good governance for 5
indicators, 4) Communication intellectual skills for 5 indicators, 5) Problem Solving
for 5 indicators , 6) Self confidential skills for 5 indicators
2. The result for development of educational leadership on 30
indicators of new modern leadership for primary educational of Chanthaburi are
evaluated of possibility in high level.


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How to Cite

Sartpanit, P. ., & Chanetiyoung, D. . (2020). THE MODEL of EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP on CHANGING STAGE CHANTHABURI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 989–996. retrieved from