The Work of Public Administration Changes on the Civil Servant


  • นพรัตน์ จันทร์เกษม
  • เอกพร รักความสุข


the work of the civil servant , changes of public administration


The research project of “The Impact of public administration changes on the civil servant”.. There were three objects of this study. Firstly was to study the concept of adaptation in public management change. Second was to study the impact of political on the civil servant. And the last was to study the way and the measure for working under political crisis. This study was qualitative research, explaining the phenomenon of the Impact of public administration changes on the civil servant, by using various procedures in order to collect data. The finding of this research project were as
follows as:
1. Crisis Management in the public sector depends on the decision of the Prime Minister.
2. The Prime Minister chooses a trusted person in a crisis. For example, the positions within the cabinet are usually appointed by the Prime Minister so that he can order according to his own needs.
3. Fast changing conditions especially the organization change are liked to norms.
4. Civil servant in the government House can be able to adjust oneself under political pressure.
5. Using e-government as the government tools or the public service though electronics system that increase the performance and reach the public service. E-government is the way to reduce the public service process.


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How to Cite

จันทร์เกษม น. ., & รักความสุข เ. (2020). The Work of Public Administration Changes on the Civil Servant. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 963–976. retrieved from