The Ethics of Secondary School Administrators in the 21st Century under the Regional Education Office 4


  • วรรณพัทร ซื่อตรง
  • นิษฐวดี จิรโรจน์ภิญโญ


Ethics, Secondary School Administrators


The purposes of this research were 1) to determine the components of the ethics; 2) to find the guidelines for ethical behavior for secondary school administrators in the 21st century. The population of the quantitative research was 116 secondary school administrators and teachers under the regional education office 4. The sample of the research was 92 secondary school administrators and teachers under the regional education office 4, totally 184 persons. The research instruments were the unstructured interview and questionnaire regarding ethics for secondary school administrators in the 21st century. The statistics used for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation factor analysis and content analysis. To find guidelines for ethical behavior by 9 experts who graduated in Ph.D. and as the secondary school administrators under the regional education office 4.

The findings of the research were as following: 1. The components of the ethics for school administrators in the 21st century consisted of 9 components: participation, leadership feature, democratic, good friends, good governance, reason, motivation, honesty and exemplary leadership

2. The Guidelines for ethical behaviors for secondary school administrators in the 21st century was consisted of 4 components: professional administrator, policies support, ethical training and exemplary leadership.


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How to Cite

ซื่อตรง ว., & จิรโรจน์ภิญโญ น. . (2020). The Ethics of Secondary School Administrators in the 21st Century under the Regional Education Office 4 . Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 937–948. retrieved from