System of Public Health Services by Using the Thai Herbs at Chao Phraya Abhaibhubate Hospital


  • น้ำฝน ศิริวันสำณฑ์
  • เอกพร รักความสุข


ระบบกำรให้บริกำร, สมุนไพรไทย, โรงพยำบำลเจ้ำพระยำอภัยภูเบศร


The research project of Thai Public Health Service System of Herbal Use by Chao Phraya Abhaibhubate Hospital. There are 3 objectives: 1.To study the system of public health services by using Thai herbs to promote Thai traditional medicine. 2. To study the problems and obstacles of public health services by Herbs at Chao Phraya Abhaibhubate Hospital. 3 To study the guideline for public health services in the use of Thai herbs to promote Thai traditional medicine at Abhaibhubate Hospital, describing the phenomenon of public health services by using Thai herbs to promote Thai traditional medicine. This is qualitative research. By studying the papers, concepts, theories and related researches. The researcher collected the data by in-depth interviews with the key informants. The selective method was divided into 3 groups: Group 1. Policy makers: 4 persons were the team of Health Minister. Group 2 The 5 officers of Chao Phraya Abhaibhubate Hospital. Group 3. The 7 members of Baan Dong Bang. The data were collected and collected in the area of Chao Phraya Abhaibhubate Hospital, Thambol Tha Ngam, Amphur Muang, Prachin Buri Province. Using a method of verifying the reliability of data triangulation , using questionnaires, observations, and interviews from the person providing the information. Separate the issues and analyze the data to answer the research objectives by the descriptive analysis. The results are summarized in the following.  

1.Public health services system using Thai herbs to promote Thai traditional medicine. By Chao Phraya Abhaibhubate Hospital will provide public health services through the use of quality Thai herbs and in accordance with the needs of both domestic and international markets. The development of herbal products throughout the value chain”, such as the development of the product, the service, the marketing promotion and The Research and development.
2.Problems and Obstacles of Public Health Services by Herbs, Chao Phraya Abhaibhubate Hospital. There are 6 issues:The delay in new product release. The image and attitude of herbal medicine is not acceptable. Distribution not all provinces.The problem of raw materials and the higher cost of producing.
3.The approach to providing public health services in using Thai herbs topromote Thai traditional medicine at Abhaibhubate Hospital consists of 5 strategies:Human resources, Reliability development, Integrated pharmaceutical administration,Development of comprehensive herbs and Research and development


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How to Cite

ศิริวันสำณฑ์ น., & รักความสุข เ. (2020). System of Public Health Services by Using the Thai Herbs at Chao Phraya Abhaibhubate Hospital. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 925–936. retrieved from