An Educational Management Model of a Sufficiency Economy Philosophy School under the Jurisdiction of the Office Of PhangNga Primary Educational Service Area


  • ฐิติพร เปกะมล
  • จินดา ศรีญาณลักษณ์


Educational Administration of Schools; Sufficiency Economy Philosophy; the Educational Management Model of Sufficiency Economy


The purposes of this research were:1) To investigate the configurations of
the Educational Management Model of the Sufficiency Economy, and 2) To
examine the probability of the Educational Administration Model of the Sufficiency
Economy Philosophy School under the jurisdiction of the Office of PhangNga
Primary Educational Service Area Office. The research’s processes were separated
into five steps: Step1. Analyzing and synthesizing the documents of theory,
research and director’s interview to learn whether the directors were successful in
implementing the principles of Sufficiency Economy administration in their schools;
Step2.Constructing the model; Step3. Developing the model in three phases from
the sample of 21 Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) research administrative
experts, derived by means of snowball sampling. They were asked to review the
questionnaire by using a Delphi technique. The statistics used for the data analysis
were median and interquartile range; Step4. An appropriate administration model
was finally rated by the sample of 12 experts administrators by focus group
discussion to analyze data by content analysis; and Step 5. Presenting the findings
of this research. The findings of this research were as follows: 1.The Educational Management Model of a SEP school under the
jurisdiction of the Office of PhangNga Primary Educational Service Area consisted of
four components: 1) Academic Administration Policies and action plans for the
year which adopted the philosophy of sufficiency economy employed in the
schools; 2) Budget Management Planning used a budget that is consistent with the
SEP; 3) Personnel Management Extension personnel in educational philosophy of
sufficiency economy principles used in everyday life; and 4) General
Administration Technology, media and diversity, to seek knowledge of SEP. 

2. It was concluded that the administrators held very similar opinions
about the appropriate Educational Management Model of a SEP school under the
jurisdiction of the Office of Phang-Nga Primary Educational Service Area.


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How to Cite

เปกะมล ฐ. ., & ศรีญาณลักษณ์ จ. . (2020). An Educational Management Model of a Sufficiency Economy Philosophy School under the Jurisdiction of the Office Of PhangNga Primary Educational Service Area. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 915–924. retrieved from