The law Establishes Penalties for those Who Hold Political Office. The Ethical Misconduct


  • ธรรศไนย พึ่งสันเทียะ
  • อดุลย์ ทานาราช


Ethical, Political Appointees.


Research The law establishes penalties for those who hold political aims. Study concept Theories about the sanctions incumbent political ethical misconduct of both Thailand and abroad. Study the facts and legal problems relating to impose sanctions incumbent political ethical misconduct of both Thailand and abroad. Study the guidelines and legal measures to impose sanctions incumbent political ethical misconduct of Thailand. To be appropriate to the current circumstances and cosmopolitan. Research indicates that Obstructing the code of ethics of political appointees. The lack of organization and commandments Ethics and the mechanisms to control the political process, including the trial in the case. The political positions of ethical misconduct. In terms of the rules and regulations regarding the code of ethics was found. A right Researchers have suggested. An organization that serves the law enforcement code of ethics for political office. Law and Legislation and judicial procedure incumbent political ethical misconduct. 


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How to Cite

พึ่งสันเทียะ ธ. ., & ทานาราช อ. . (2020). The law Establishes Penalties for those Who Hold Political Office. The Ethical Misconduct. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 905–914. retrieved from