Management of Conflict between People and Government Agency by Approving Energy Project of the Biomass Power Plant at Sikiew District, Nakhonratchasima Province


  • อนันต์ ไกรบำรุง
  • ศรุตา สมพอง


Management Conflict between People and Government Agency, Energy project of The Biomass Power Plant


The purpose of this research was to study 1) to study the conflict situation in the construction of a biomass power plant at sikiew district, sikiew prefecture, nakhonratchasima province. 2) to study the role of government agencies in management. 3) Proposed guidelines for the management of conflicts in the construction of biomass power plants in both the national and local levels. A qualitative research study analyzed the phenomenon actually occurs. With in-depth interviews, focus groups, to observe without participating (non-participant observation) of technical documents and reports, including related research. With the primary (Key information) 35 by analyzing data in a systematic way to portray. The interpretation and the conclusion of the phenomenon they discovered is concluded.

1. Communication was the official government agencies. People may not understand the process and details of the information clearly. Including benefits So do not believe in the administration of government. Which has become a point of conflict with the government.
2. The Government agencies failured to manage conflict in approving energy projects. The process of observing a violation of the rights of citizens. Without opportunity for public comment. And a lack of critical processes in the shade. The creation process is awareness. People do not trust and trust in the government. Including the private sector.

3. Avoid the practice of law with the law of the living space. The channel's existing authority to request or permit the operation of power plant .Without strict enforcement. The biomass power plant and caused a lot of impact.
4. Conflict management of the local people against the government agencies in approving energy projects. It comprised the trust of society. And alternative proposals The social space to build trust. The opportunity to participate in the process. The parties agreed and a common goal. The offer various alternative solutions. And to adhere to good governance principles. And corporate social responsibility as a core priority


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How to Cite

ไกรบำรุง อ. ., & สมพอง ศ. . (2020). Management of Conflict between People and Government Agency by Approving Energy Project of the Biomass Power Plant at Sikiew District, Nakhonratchasima Province. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 883–892. retrieved from