Strategy in Developing of Private Schools to an Educational Innovative Organization


  • พัฒน์ มาศนิยม
  • เด่น ชะเนติยัง


The purposes of this research were: 1) to investigate the strategy in developing of private schools to an educational innovative organization, and 2) to present the strategy in developing of private schools to an educational innovation organization for implementation. The research methodology consisted of three steps: 1) analyzed the documents concerning the strategy in developing of private schools to an educational innovative organization in order to establish the strategies and measures, 2) established the questionnaires and interviewed the group of 21 educational innovative organization experts and collect data with Delphi technique, and 3) evaluated the opinions of 214 school administrators from 214 private schools in 11 provinces of Southern Thailand with a rating scale questionnaire. The analysis of data was accomplished by computation of percentage, mean, standard deviation. The median and interquartile ranges were also computed to test the consensus postulated in the study.  The research finding were as follows: 1) The group of 21 educational innovative organization experts agreed with six strategies as: strategy 1 accelerate the development of administrators to educational innovation leadership, strategy 2 transforming the work culture into a culture of educational innovative organization, strategy 3 accelerate the development of human resource management into educational innovative organization, strategy 4 transforming work patterns into educational innovative organization, strategy 5 transforming learning and develop quality of students into innovators and, strategy 6 create learning networks for educational innovative organization. Overall, the opinions of 214 school administrators from 214 private schools in Southern Thailand agreed to strategy in developing of private schools to an educational innovative organization with the high and highest satisfaction rate. Especially, they gave the highest satisfaction rate to strategy 2 as accelerate the development of administrators to educational innovation leadership.Key word(s): strategy, private school, educational innovative


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How to Cite

มาศนิยม พ. ., & ชะเนติยัง เ. . (2020). Strategy in Developing of Private Schools to an Educational Innovative Organization. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 809–822. retrieved from