The Development of the Information Program for the Academic Affairs Administration on Educational Quality Development Research of the School under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 16


  • ไวริญ พยุงเกียรติคุณ
  • ปรีชา วิหคโต


the Information Program for the Academic Affairs Administration / Educational Quality Development Research


The purpose of this study was to develop the information program for the academic affairs administration on educational quality development research of a school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 16. This research and development was four phases. First phase - conceptual framework determination, the population consisted of textbooks, articles, and research related to the development of the information program for the academic affairs administration on educational quality development research. 80 subjects were specifically selected as samples. The research tools were record forms, data collections, and research concepts using data analysis method. Second phase – to design and create the development of the information program for the academic affairs administration on educational quality development research of the school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 16 by synthesizing and creating the information program with the construction set. Third phase – to evaluate the suitability and feasibility of the information program, the population consisted of 9 specialists and officials in the field of computer program development and the academic affairs administration on educational quality development research of the school. The research tools were 1) the construction set’s diagram of the information program 2) the information program for the academic affairs administration on educational quality development research of the school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 16, and 3) the program’s suitability and feasibility evaluation forms. Data collection was conducted using group discussion and then the data was analyzed to improve the information program. Data analysis was carried out using content analysis. Forth phase – to try a trial of the information program, the population consisted of school directors and officials of the academic affairs administration on educational quality development research of the school. The samples were specifically selected from 3 schools. The research tools were 1) the information program 2) the program’s performance evaluation forms. Data collection was conducted by giving the information program trial to the samples for a try and let the samples answer questions in the program’s performance evaluation forms. Data analysis was carried out using the mean and standard deviation as statistic tools.

Based on the findings of the study it was concluded that :
1. The information data for the academic affairs administration on educational quality development research of the school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 16 needed were in 7 aspects as follows: 1) Teacher information 2) Knowledge
about research 3) Executives’ supports 4) Research 5) Effectiveness of research from the research 6) Dissemination of the research, and 7) Report.
2. The development of the information program for the academic affairs administration on educational quality development research of the school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 16 was conducted using PHP (Personal Hypertext Processor) program. The operation was divided into 3 main sections: 1) The executive section including the director of the Education Service Area Office 2) The system

3. The performance of the information program for the academic affairs administration on educational quality development research of the school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 16, overall, was good (Χ = 4.28, SD=0.53). The most effective aspects were sorted in sequence: creating a database ( Χ = 4.33, SD=0.60), the difficulty of the usage of the program ( Χ = 4.29, SD=0.46), and the result or evaluation report ( Χ = 4.21, SD=0.53).


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How to Cite

พยุงเกียรติคุณ ไ. ., & วิหคโต ป. . (2020). The Development of the Information Program for the Academic Affairs Administration on Educational Quality Development Research of the School under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 16. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 779–792. retrieved from