A Guideline for Organizing Activities for Senior Citizens in Bangkok according to Thailand 4.0
Senior Citizens, Thailand4.0, Ageing, SocietyAbstract
The study on “A Guideline for Organizing Activities for Senior Citizens in Bangkok according to Thailand 4.0” aims to examine types of activities affecting mental health of senior citizens in Bangkok according to Thailand 4.0, propose a guideline for organizing activities for senior citizens in Bangkok according to Thailand 4.0 and provide information for handling ageing society to related organizations. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 420 respondents. Descriptive
statistics were used for data analysis and Chi-square was used to investigate the relationship between activity participation and mental health of senior citizens in Bangkok. It was found that the sample was mostly females aged between 60-69
years with a married status, diploma – bachelor’s degree, and average monthly income of 3,100-6,000 Baht from their children/grandchildren. For activity participation among senior citizens, health activities had the highest number of
participants, followed by social and mental activities. Meanwhile, for mental health indicators, being happy for others’ success was found the most, followed by providing support to others when having opportunities, feeling valued by the
family, and eagerness to learn new things. For the result of a study on relationship, it was found that there were 7 activities affecting mental health of senior citizens in Bangkok. These include exercise, giving knowledge on health, giving knowledge on nutrition, giving knowledge on the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, giving knowledge on foreign languages, listening to sermons or practicing Dharma, and music and art activities. Meanwhile, the effects of activity types on mental health levels were found to be different. The activity with the highest effect was giving knowledge on foreign languages followed by giving knowledge on nutrition and giving knowledge on health.
The recommendations on policies based on the study are to establish senior citizen learning centers in all villages with the cooperation from temples or schools, organize learning activities related to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for application in daily life, organize sermons on every Buddhist holy day in the form of Dharma on tour for each village, provide English or Chinese instructional media broadcast through government telecommunication networks, and organize learning activities with an effect on mental health for senior citizens.
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