
  • อัจจิมา มาศนิยม
  • ปรีชา วิหคโต


Knowledge Management , Model ,Competency of Information Technology in 21century


The objective of the research is to developing knowledge management pattern
for enhancing capability in using Information Technology in 21th century of private school
teachers, Songkhla province. The steps of the research are as follows ; 1) to create idea
conception 2) to study recent environmental problem and need 3) to form knowledge
management for enhancing capability in using Information Technology in 21th century of
private school teachers, Songkhla province 4) to evaluate the above knowledge
management. The research samplings are as follows; 1) Document, texts and involving
researches about knowledge management forms in schools. 2) 113 from 162 private
schools in Songkhla province 3) 9 specialists from the fields of knowledge management,
educational administration and Information Technology. The instrument of the research
is questionnaire, focus application form and the statistics of appropriation and possibility
to analyze the data such as rational frequency, means and quartier range. The findings of the research are
1) the result of the analysis the recent condition and the need of the
knowledge management for enhancing capability in using Information Technology in 21th
century of the private school teachers in Songkhla province found that recently
knowledge managing condition is in the middle as the knowledge management needs in
the top range. According to consideration of knowledge managing condition, the
participants require this knowledge for applying in their lives.
2) The results of technological enhancing capability in 21th century (in private
school teachers, Songkhla province) in terms of Macro Flowchart, Deployment Flowchart
have 6 steps 47 activities as follows; 1) Knowledge Creation and Acquisition consists of 6
activities. 2) Knowledge Access has 9 activities 3) Knowledge sharing consists of 10
activities 4) Knowledge Codification and Refinement consists of 5 activities 5) Knowledge
Organization consists of 7 activities and 6) Knowledge adoption consists of 10 activities.


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How to Cite

มาศนิยม อ. ., & วิหคโต ป. . (2020). A DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT FOR CAPACITY BUILDING OF SONGKHLA’ S TEACHERS PRIVATE SCHOOL USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN 21 CENTURY. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 753–764. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/243682