
  • ฐปณวัชร์ สระสม
  • อดุลย์ ทานาราช


Cooperative, Credit Union, Deposit Protection


The objectives of this research were to 1) to study theoretical concepts related to Credit union Cooperative and Credit Union Cooperative Deposit Protection System in foreign countries and Thailand, including related legal measures and researches, 2) to study the state of problem and legal issues regarding measures of Thailand's Credit Union Cooperative Deposit Protection System Credit union Cooperative about problems and differences, 3) to study, analyze and compare legal measures regarding Credit union Cooperative Deposit Protection System of Credit union Cooperative in foreign countries and Thailand on same and differences, and 4) to study the appropriate international legal measures to be applied to cooperatives and the Credit Union Cooperative Deposit Protection System in the Credit Union Cooperative in order to be on the par with other nations.  The research methodology was to study the documents and in-depth interview taken with the population and sample group that were governing state department and involving people to obtain primary theoretical and practical information, including basic statistical analysis obtained from survey data, and summarized it as research results. From the study, it was found that Credit union Cooperative had large assets and was one of the financial institutions that has more commercial deposited and financial translation as same as conventional financial institutions. Therefore, the risk was increasing towards the deposit status of cooperative members as well. Even though, at present, there is a law on Deposit Protection Agency to protect people's deposits in financial institution, the law does not cover Credit Union Cooperative if the cooperative's registration or license has been revoked. Additionally, currently, according to the law, the cooperative does not specify cooperative deposit protection system for this case as well. When comparing to the same problem abroad, there is a law on Deposit Protection Agency that cover Deposit Protection System in Credit union Cooperative as same as in financial institutions. After study on the guideline, it can be adapted to use for Thailand's Credit Union Cooperative Deposit Protection System. Hence, Credit Union Cooperative Deposit Protection System with limited financial amount as well as setting up mechanisms for the development of the Credit Union Cooperative systematically and appropriately with the model of Thai cooperative. This will support domestic savings and strengthen the stability and steadiness of overall the financial system and on the par with other nations.


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How to Cite

สระสม ฐ. ., & ทานาราช อ. . (2020). LEGAL MEASURES FOR THE DEPOSIT PRPTECTION SYSTEM OF THE COOPERATIVE CREDIT UNION. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 725–734. retrieved from