Development Model on Operartions of Organizational Groups of Tambon Community Organization Councils, Nakhon Phanom Province


  • อภิกนิษฐา นาเลาห์


Development Model on Operations of Organizational Groups, Tambon Community Organization Councils


The objective of this research was 1) to study factors affecting on the
operations of organizational groups of Tambon community organization councils,
Nakhon Phanom Province, 2) to create a development model on the operations of
organizational groups of Tambon community organization councils, Nakhon Phanom
Province. The method of conducting research is divided into 3 phases. The first
phase was studying a causal factor affecting the success on the operations of
organizational groups of Tambon community organization councils, Nakhon Phanom
Province obtained from the opinion survey of 298 groups of the organizational
leaders of Tambon community organization councils, Nakhon Phanom province by
using a questionnaire to collect data and analysizing with a computer program
package. Statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The statistics used to analyze hypotheses in the research were Multiple Linear
Regression Analysis. The second phase was to create the development model on
the operations of organizational groups of Tambon community organization
councils, Nakhon Phanom Province. The target groups were experts, academicians,
related people that had the knowledge and experiences in the development of
organizational operations and representatives of entrepreneurial groups.
Organizational groups of 30 people used a specific selection approach in organizing
sub-group meetings in the brainstorming process. The third phase was to confirm
the development model on the operations of organizational groups of Tambon
community organization councils, Nakhon Phanom Province. There were 6 experts development, representatives of community development and representatives of The findings were as follows :
1. Factors affecting on the operations of organizational groups of Tambon
community organization councils, Nakhon Phanom Province were factors of
leadership, group board, co-operation with external activities, participation,
management, marketing management, financial and capital management, and
product quality that can predict on operationa of organizational groups of Tambon
community organization councils, Nakhon Phanom Province in a statistically
significant .001 level. (p <0.001)
2. The creating results of the development model on the operations of
organizational groups of Tambon community organization councils, Nakhon Phanom
Province consisted of 8 factors : (1) leadership, (2) group board, (3) participation of
members, (4) co-operation with external activities, (5) management ,(6) marketing
management,(7) financial and capital management, and (8) ) product quality.
community enterprises
consited of academicians, representatives of community organizations


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How to Cite

นาเลาห์ อ. . (2020). Development Model on Operartions of Organizational Groups of Tambon Community Organization Councils, Nakhon Phanom Province. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 709–724. Retrieved from