The potential for market development, civil state borders Thailand, Laos Ban Mo.


  • Phramaha Pruch Atthaporn


Potential, develop, market, civil state, border, Thailand, Laos, ban Mo


Article about the potential for market development, civil state borders Thailand, Laos pot. The aim: 1) a significant development potential. And the importance of developing a policy-driven, strategic public state economic foundations 2) to stimulate the economy and to Government policy on the promotion of border trade and generate income for the community economy, and 3) the development, market potential civil. state borders Thailand, Laos Mo in the development of quality products. Tourist and local sustainability ready to compete in the marketplace. The potential for the development of a strategy for the reform of the civil state. "The power of civil government to build the economic foundations" is driven strategic civil state. The economic foundations official This powerful combination between the public sector and government to work for sustainable development. It is important to create a mechanism for the involvement of civil society in stimulating economic footing. And build confidence in Thailand Key to the strategy for a "civil state" is to strengthen the participation of all citizens. The solution reform and development in all aspects to see tangible results achieved or not. Without the cooperation and participation of the public. State and government officials, "weaves powerful civil state" is the great power to change and reform the country. Thailand was the main driving force of the economy. Since the foundation And encourage the business community on the knowledge base. Creativity, innovation and cultural identity. So the government should set the strategic framework and the policy of the government to develop the market potential civil state borders Thailand, Laos pot. Standard is a market of local products. The strengthening of border trade community. The development of quality products And the development of tourist spots lenient borders Thailand, Laos pot. To establish the involvement of citizens in the community to help themselves. And the sustainability ready to compete in the market. Can attract neighboring countries to build trade and border trade has increased further.


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How to Cite

Phramaha Pruch Atthaporn. (2020). The potential for market development, civil state borders Thailand, Laos Ban Mo. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 685–696. retrieved from